Thursday 11 July 2013

Homemade Almond Milk

I've always wanted to make my own milk- well ever since I've been soaking up fresh food and getting a nurtitional education. It's sooooo yum and extremely easy to make- plus, it's SUPER good for you! You pretty much just need two ingredients, nuts and water, but it's nice to jazz your milk up a bitt with some medicinal spices and a bit of natural stweetness.

I have just posted a couple of videos on 'A Purple Carrot's' facebook page, please watch and share them, they're very educational, eye opening, passionate and inspiring. To celebrate the wave of social media taking health by storm, I wanted to raise a glass (or a litre) of my freshly made almond milk with you and cheers to new knowledge and the choices we can make to make our lifes happier, healthier, brighter and shinier. CHEERS

For a reminder on how bad dairy is, revisit an old post here:

With that in mind.... ON TO THE MILK!!

1 cup of overnight soaked almonds (without skins- I peeled them by hand after soaking... it gets tiresome)
3-4 cups of purified water
pinch of himilayan pink salt
1 tblsp hemp seeds
pinch cinnamon, or more
pinch caraway seeds
pinch ground nutmeg
1 tblsp raw organic honey (1 date would be a great substitute!)

soak your nuts overnight.
Pre boil your water to purify.
Rinse your soaked nuts, popinal blender with other ingredients, then top with water. Blitz for a few mintutes. Strain, drink!

*you can use the leftover nut pulp as flour (spread out to dry), or in superfoods balls or, as I did, added to my oats with banana, more of the same spices, almond milk, honey and hemp seeds for a winters morning porridge! mmmm it was great.
** you can use any nut, use same method, or you could use hemp seeds- best milk ever, just expensive!!


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