Wednesday 21 August 2013

The most AMAZING smoothie EVER- dedicated to my amazing chakra 2

I've been studying online with the 'School of the Modern Mystic' which is the BEST thing I have ever done. It's all about really learning and connecting with your body, chakra's, mind, soul, energy, intuition etc. In the first 14 weeks, you spend two weeks working on each chakra intensively. It's awesome. I'm currently half way through my 2nd week of chakra 2. It's all about drawing into your life the things that make your soul sing and shine, it's abundance, passion, loving yourself and enjoying life- awesome. The color of chakra 2 is ORANGE. So I've been trying to surround myself with orange as much as possible. I added an orange to each of my smoothies last week while on set, ate Loving Earths awesome Organic Orange & Gubinge Raw Dark Chocolate- EVERYDAY!! Tried for the first time Golden Inca Berries- super high in vitamin C and SO SO SOOOO delicious- my absolute FAV dried fruit of all, I gorged on tangerines- so yum it's crazy, AND I rocked out my beautiful orange birthday scarf by beautiful sister Skye gave me. It's been great- I even created a delicious new raw vegan snack/breakfast/dessert with the Inca berries and orange chocolate mentioned earlier, which I will share with you super soon.

BUT- today I created the best smoothie EVER, all in the name of my chakra 2!!

I've been on a couple of shoots over the last couple of weeks and even though every day I cranked through my green smoothies, raw snacks and mega veggie juices and herbal teas- I'm pretty wrecked. Filming is BIG- no matter what your role on set is.

SO, to remedy my fatigue, I made this:

2 cups coconut water
1 cup organic mixed berries (I used blueberries, blackberries, raspberries)
1 apple
3-4 stalks of orange rainbow chard
1 tangelo/tangerine
handful of kale
few stalks of fresh mint
1 celery stalk
1/4 cup Inca/golden berries
1/2 Loving Earth 'Luvju Maqui raw choc heart- eat the other half while you chop ingredients!
1 tblsp chia seeds
1 tblsp help seeds
2 tblsp mixed nut butter or almond

**** reserve half tangelo, chia seeds and hemp seeds, all choc and extra berries and inca berries for the topping!!! mmmm

Wash your fruit and veg and chop.
Start by pouring coconut water in your blender, ad apple, half tangelo, chopped chard, hemp, inca berries and chia seeds, Blitz, then ad remaining ingredients- excluding toppings.
Give a really good blitz.
Pour into your bowl of choice- you will need a BIG one for this recipe, then top with your beautiful superfood toppings.




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