Friday 14 September 2012

Great balls of fire: Super Healthy Energy Balls

I carry a lunch box around with me everywhere I go. The day before a big week, I'm busy cooking nutritious food so I can stuff my face without a worry all week long.

Now I understand that you probably don't have the time or want to hang out in the kitchen on your day off (I love it!). So through your worries in the bin right now! My quick energy balls take about 10 min max to make & they last all week long (that's if you don't eat them all in the first day).

These super healthy energy booster balls pack perfectly into my lunchbox to take to set- If you're a busy body, these are perfect for you!

My energy balls are gluten free, raw, super healthy, sugar free, low in salycilates & vegan.

If you can eat dates, I highly recommend adding a few to this recipe. Good quality maple syrup would work really well too- add a tablespoon, then if you want it sweeter, keep going.

Dates are very high in salycilates, so avoid of you're salycilate sensitive & both are very high in natural sugars, which is why I haven't added them... I can't even have natural sugars.. ARGH! (I don't really mind though :) )


Here's what you need:

2 heaped tsp cashew nut spread
1 cup soaked raw cashews*
1/2 cup soaked sunflower seeds*
1 tblsp chia seeds
1 tblsp linseed*
1 banana
1 tblsp raw organic cacao powder

Here's what you do:

After giving your soaked nuts and seeds a good rinse, chuck everything in a food processor and blend to desired consistency.

Grab a big bowl and dust a thin layer of cacao powder, with a tea spoon scoop your mixture, roll into a ball, then roll in the powder.

.....That's it.

Now eat!

*Now you need to soak your nuts and seeds for at least 4hrs. If this stuffs up the run of your day, pop them in a bowl of water before you go to bed, then they'll be ready in the morning to be blended into balls.