Monday, 17 September 2012

Dairy harms your body

I recently found out how bad dairy actually is for the body.

One of my great passions in life was to eat cheese an pretend I was french... not anymore!
Milk is out and rice milk is in and the cheese... the cheese is gone.

As an actor, I strive to put only the best things into my body for fuel and nutrition.
I need to be alert, on my toes, completely charged and relaxed.

An actors body and mind is showered with stress and strain both emotionally and physically from day to day.

I was consuming at least a glass of milk a day and lots of cheese- I'd add it to almost everything.

I have eczema and asthma.. hmm

I would also get run down super easy (a common symptom of Hypothyroidism- which I was born with), but always being 'healthy', I couldn't  understand why I felt so bad most of the time.

Then... I got an education!

Dairy is acid forming.
Like ALL animal protein, milk acidifies the bodies pH levels.
Humans bodies are design to have a balanced pH level- not an acidic level.

Having an body is the easiest way to invite diseases and illness to come in and stay for tea.
An acidic body does not absorb vitamins, minerals and other nutrients and reduces our ability to repair cells and acidity also prevents the blood from carrying oxygen.

Calcium is a natural acid neutraliser and the biggest storage of calcium in the body is in the bones.
So- the body leeches calcium from the bones in order to protect the kidneys and urinary tract because this is essential for survival. So even though milk contains calcium, it is completely useless and detrimental to your body.

 Dairy is known to increase your risk of cancer.
Milking cows are given antibiotics and most are injected with growth hormones. YUCK.

Dairy is highly processed.

Dairy is full of puss cells.

Humans can't digest dairy.
Humans loose the enzyme needed to digest milk between the ages of two and five.

So, get off the milk train and get onto the
Rice milk
Oat milk
Almond milk
Any nut Milk, wagon.

Avoid Soy milk too. Its highly processed and contains a lot of iodine. But I'll blog about that later.
