Last Friday I was heading to rehearsal of a short film I'll be filming very soon. On my way- of coarse I had to stop into Terra Madre (a.k.a The Fruit Peddlers- my local organic food store). I just needed a couple of things, but as always I bought a bag of things- One of which was a jumbo bright yellow passion fruit! Since I'd never seen one before and of course because I love passion fruit SO much- I grabbed it straight away! I'd heard of Panama passion fruit before- and jave enjoyed eating them- but the GOLD Panama Passion Fruit was a new descovery for me! FUN!!
Whats so good about Passion fruit you might ask? LISTEN UP!
Passion fruit is high in soluble fiber:
Not only does fiber help in weight-loss but it
also helps ward off the potential threat of many diseases. The fiber
found in fruits also helps to slow the entrance of glucose in the
bloodstream and also
helps to further lower cholesterol levels.
Passion Fruit is high in Vitamins: Passion fruit is especially high vitamin A, C, B2, B3, B6 and folate. Passion fruit is
particularly high in vitamin A, very important in helping you
maintain a healthy immune system, healthy eyes, skin, teeth and bones.
Passion Fruit is high in Minerals: Including iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and copper. Potassium
is an essential mineral and electrolyte. Potassium helps the body
maintain its water and acid balance. Awesome
I AMAZINGLY saved my passion fruit for breakfast the next day! O. M. G!
SOOOOOOOOOO crazy good!
I had some mixed berries, avocado, chia seeds and of corse my passionfruit with a side of my fresh homemade almond milk!!!!! mmmmmmmmmm
GREAT start to the day, which lead to brilliant things- toiling in the veggie garden, taking a hike at the 1000 step Kakoda trail Memorial walk- then a wonderful family dinner at my folkes!! YAAY
I've never seen a gold passionfruit before - looks beautiful! Does it taste the same as the regular ones?
PS: I'm hosting an Airwick candle giveaway today and hope you will enter:
@trishie yeah- they taste like the regular panama passion fruit but slightly more fragrant in taste and slightly more sour!!
thanks for the candle give away info!
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