Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Beetroot & Blackbean Cookies

Here's a new creation that's perfect for your lunch boxes, or my new favourite... crumbling over my green smoothies in a bowl for breakfast (tastes as though your gobbling up a creamy chocolate pudding)! It also works as brekkie in the run- these are very healthy mouthfuls!

The recipe sounds complicated- but is really simple and only takes 1/2 and hour from scratch to freshly baked.

This is suprisingly a slightly savoury bikkie and would be great on a cheese plate or on the side of soup or salad.
It's also a super great energy treat for people who can't have sugar.

If on the other hand your body and taste buds love sweetness, add 1/3 cup of good quality maple syrup!
(and chocolate chips for a real treaty treat!)


What you need:

1 1/2 cups blackbeans (I cooked mine the day before- but tinned is fine, just make sure they're organic and have no added preservatives)
3 tblsp hazel nut butter (or nut butter of your choice)
1/2 cup raw cocoa powder
pinch of sea salt
1/3 cup rice milk (or nut/oat milk of your choice)
2tblsp chia seeds (if you cant find chia seeds and aren't vegan, ad an egg)*
1 tblsp vanilla extract
1/3 cup fresh beetroot juice **
1/4 cup hemp seeds***
1/4 cup oats
1/4 cup sunflower seeds

* Chia seeds can be found in the 'health food' isle at supermarkets- but it's best to head to an organic health food/ fruit & veg store.
** approx 1/2 a big beet, or a whole medium beet.
*** Hemp seeds can be found at organic wholefood stores- if you really can't find them (technically they're illegal to be sold in AUS & NZ but you can still get them), choose your favourite seed and add that instead. Hemp seeds are a complete protein, great for your skin, raw, vegan, gluten free & contains Omega 3,6,9 & GLA

What you do:

Pre- heat the oven to 200 degrees.

Grab your juicer and juice your beetroot (or head to a juice bar and grab a beetroot juice if you dont have a juicer!!).
Pour the juice into a bowl and add the rice milk, chia seeds (or egg) & vanilla. If your wanting sweet bikkies, add the mayple syrup here too. Give a good stir and let sit so the chia seeds can work their magic and soak up the liquid.

In a food processor, plop the beans, nut butter, cocoa & salt in then blitz.

Pour ALL ingredients into a bowl and mix.
If its really powdery and dry, add more rice milk.

On a lined baking tray, spoon the mixture and squash down to the desired bikkie shape. The mix won't spread at all during the cooking process.

Bake for about 15 mins.

Thats it!!

Sounds hard- actually isn't!!

Like I said before, this is my new favourite garnish for my morning green smoothie.




Elenore said...

These are some pretty babes! Yum yum! Will try!

apurplecarrot said...

yep- my new favourites!!